Netra Prasad BhattaM. Sc. Horticulture, 2013IAAS, TU, Kirtipur, Kathmandu.
Present status of pesticide use by
commercial vegetable growers of Kirtipur area: A case study.
Table of Contents
purpose of this study is to document different pesticides used, knowledge and
practices of pesticide used and different safety precautions followed by
commercial vegetable growers of Kirtipur area. A field level survey of 10
households involved in commercial vegetable cultivation was done during
March-April, 2014. Secondary data was gathered through printed reports and web
searches which were used to describe and verify the study. Commercial vegetable
cultivation was dominated by male farmers having education achievement above
SLC. Agro vets, friends, extension service organization and self experience of
farmers are the major sources of information to the farmers. Only 40% farmers
get the training about the safe use and handling of pesticides. The study found
that only 30% farmers read the printed materials pertaining to the pesticides
and interestingly 60% farmers read leaflet enclosed with pesticides. It was
also found that in advance case of disease and insect pest infestation cocktail
of various pesticides were used by farmers. A large proportion of farmers (90%)
were found aware about expiry date of pesticides but only 80% farmers read the
expiry date themselves. All farmers were found aware about the bad impact of
pesticide among them 20% have experienced headache and 30% experienced eye
infection, fever and dizziness 10% in each. 80% of farmers perceive that
pesticides enters in our body through respiration pathway and only 20% farmers
have detail knowledge about the entry of pesticides in our body. Farmers know
little about toxicity labels and mode of action of pesticides. 40% farmers know
nothing about the toxicity label of pesticides and only 20% farmers know little
about mode of action of pesticides. The maximum frequency of pesticide spray
was found in tomato up to 18 times followed by cucumber and bitter gourd. Rogor
is the most frequently and most widely sprayed insecticide followed by carbine.
All farmers were found aware about the need of safety precautions. 60% farmers
store pesticide inside tunnel either in crate or hanging and 30% farmers stores
in the corner place inside house. Almost all farmers wear one or more
protective cloth but 50% farmers don’t wear gloves during pesticide handling
and 30% don’t wear protective shoes during pesticide spray. 50% farmers dispose
empty container properly but 30% throw empty containers in to the water bodies
and 20% sell them to the junk collectors. Most (50%) of the farmers have
waiting period less than 3 days and 40% have waiting period between 3-5 days.
Almost all farmers harvest crop just before spraying but weather condition
greatly influence the waiting period. Alternative method of disease and pest
control is not practiced in study area. Majority of farmers (60%) were applying
pesticides in increasing rate and 40% farmers applying in constant rate. It was
found that farmers spray 5-6 litre pesticide solution per ropani for small
plants and 16 litre per ropani for large plants. The development of resistance
by some insects is the vital reason for increase in use of pesticides. Farmers
apply pesticides irrespective of insect pest population and weather condition
in predetermined time period is the major reason for misuse of pesticide.
Pesticides, safety precautions, commercial vegetable cultivation etc.
1. Introduction
1.1 Background
to FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization), “A pesticide is any substance or
mixture of substances that are intended for preventing, destroying, controlling
and mitigating any pest, including vectors of human or animal disease, unwanted
species of plants or animals causing harm or otherwise interfering with the
production, processing, storage, transport or marketing of food, agricultural
commodities, wood and wood products or animal feedstuffs, or substances which
may be administered to animals for the control of insects, arachnids or other
pests in or on their bodies”. In general Pesticides are chemical substances
used to suppress or kill animals, plants, insects and pests in agricultural,
domestic and institutional settings. The main groups of commonly used
pesticides include herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, fumigants and
Nepal has a
marvelous opportunity for producing vegetables as diverse agro-eco-zone favors
both season and off-season varieties. Due to this advantage farmers are
encouraged to produce vegetables. Thus production and productivity of
vegetables has been increasing significantly for the last decade by utilizing
high external inputs including pesticides. Nepal has potential for fresh
vegetables and processed products in the international market as well. Commercial
vegetable cultivation is one of the remunerable venture which was also focused
by the Agriculture Perspective Plan (APP) through pocket production program
where it seems feasible. The increasing awareness aiming consumers to
incorporate vegetables in their diet so as to uplift their nutritional status
also indirectly encourage farmers to commercial vegetable production.
Commercial vegetable production, as is high external input demanding farming,
such as heavy use if artificial chemicals and their indiscriminate and
uneconomic use have led to outbreak of certain previously unknown pests which
incur heavy losses.
Farmers use
chemical insecticides as it is easy to use, easily available and fast in
action. No matter, it kills harmful or useful insects. The hazards caused by
pesticides application in Nepal are not only due to overuse of pesticides but
also more due to misuse of pesticides. The quantity of pesticides used is
increasing in Nepal without any study about the proper use and its effect on
environment, ecosystem and health of the living beings. Most of the pesticides
used in Nepal are of broad spectrum in nature. There are few safer pesticides,
but their use has been limited as many farmers are unaware about these types of
pesticides. Majority of them are unaware about the type of pesticide, safety
precautions, level of precautions, level of poisoning, and potential hazards to
human health and environment.
Kathmandu is one
of the mid hill district where there is easy availability of pesticides and
there also exists pocket area for commercial vegetable cultivation. Farmers are
using excessive pesticides without considering the health of consumers. They
sell their produce without any consideration of the waiting periods. Such over burning
problems should be viewed on their locality. However, very few information are
available about household level practices of pesticide use and related knowledge
of commercial vegetable growers of Kirtipur area of central Kathmandu district
that contribute for safe use of pesticide. In this context this study attempts
to explore the knowledge status and pesticide use of commercial vegetable
growers of Kirtipur area in Kathmandu.
1.2 Objectives of the study
document different pesticides that are being used in the study areas.
identify famers knowledge and practices of pesticide use
find out different safety precautions followed by farmers.
provide the scientific data to the government body for further researches.
2. Literature review
has unique opportunities for producing vegetables as diverse agro-eco-zone
favors both, season and off-season varieties (Shrestha et al., 2010). The trend
of pesticide use is increasing in Nepal by about 10-20% per year and expenses
on pesticide in market oriented vegetables and fruit production has been a
major cost factor (Jasmine et al., 2008). Studies have shown that more than 90%
of the total pesticides are used in vegetable farming (Atreya and Sitaula,
2010). Globally, agriculture sector consumes approximately 85 percent (Raven et
al., 2008, cited by Atreya et al., 2012) of the, estimated 4.6 million tones of
pesticides used each year (Zhang et al., 2011). Use of pesticides is increasing
in Nepal after its first introduction in 1952 for malaria eradication (Sharma
et al., 2012). The national consumption of pesticides increased by 236% in past
ten years with fluctuating trends; from 146mt ai in 2001/2 to 345mt a.i. in
2011/12(PRMD,2013). Fungicides occupy major volume (48.3%) and insecticides
(33.24%) in national consumption. The proportion of vegetables growers using
pesticides increase from 7.1% in 1991/92 to 16.1% in 2001/2002(CBS, 2006).
the end of 2010, Fifty two certified importers are involved in marketing of
seventy six registered common pesticides in three hundred and forty two trade
names. Majority of registered pesticides are insecticides (36/76), followed by
fungicides (18/76) (Koirala et al., 2009). A survey conducted by Department of
Food Technology and Quality Control (DFTQC) indicated that Nepalese people are
at alarming threat of pesticides in their diets (Koirala et al., 2009/010).
The study in pachkhal area of kavre showed that 43% of
total interviewed farmers (23) used none of the safety measures 50% of the
respondents use the mouth covers such as masks and cloths on mouth, 6.25% of
them use the gloves, no one use both the mouth cover and gloves in
combination(Karmacharya,2012). A study in Nepal and India showed that 31% of
farmers complained of headache, 27% eye irritation, 24% skin burning, 10%
nausea and 9% dizziness associated with plant protection sprayers (Rao et al.,
2009). A study conducted in Dhading district showed that many farmers do not
care about the safe handling of pesticides. Studies have reported that more
than 50% farmers used their bare hands while mixing pesticides (Shrestha et
al., 2010).
A research
conducted to estimate the levels of pesticide residues in different vegetables
by Nepal Government in 2005 found that tomato sample from Kavrepalanchowk
district (hilly region) was contaminated with 1.64ppm of Mancozeb and 0.840 ppm
of Cypermethrin and potato sample from Terai was found to be contaminated with
0.16ppm of Mancozeb (DFTQC, 2004). Commodity-wise detection of pesticides in
Nepal showed the highest level of residues in root vegetables (11.9%) followed
by leaf vegetables (10.9%) (Koirala et al., 2009). Pesticides and their
degraded products would flow into the atmosphere, soils and rivers, resulting
in the accumulation of toxic substances and thus threatening human health and
the environment (Zhang et al., 2011). Only 1% applied pesticides reaches up to
the target pest, rest goes to non target categories (Atreya et al., 2012)
Farmers generally do not follow the
pre-harvest waiting period. They apply pesticides near harvesting time, and
some farmers even dip vegetables in pesticides before selling (Dahal, 1995;
Sharma, 2011). Out of 30 farmers of ktm valley, nearly 35% used to wait less
than 1 week and only 10% waited for 1 month. The application of pesticide close
to harvesting time could be the main reason for the contamination of fruits and
vegetables brought to Kathmandu from surrounding areas (Giri,2010).
The extent of
bad impact of pesticides on environment and human health is largely depends on
farmers knowledge and practices of pesticides use on crops. Some location
specific research showed that overuse and misuse are associated patterns with
the use of pesticides in Nepal (Sharma et al., 2012). Proper
pesticide waste disposal is also an important part of responsible pesticide
use. Accidental release or uncontrolled discharge of pesticide waste into the
environment can harm people and contaminate the environment (Damalasb et al., 2008). Pesticides can
be dangerous to consumers, workers and close bystanders during manufacture,
transport, or during and after use (USEPA, 2007).The World Health Organization
and the UN Environmental Program estimate that each year, 3 million workers in
agriculture in the developing world experience severe poisoning from
pesticides, about 18,000 of whom die (Miller, 2004).
3. Material and methods
data collection: A field level survey of 10 households
involved in commercial vegetable production was carried out in kirtipur-6 and
Tinthana-5 of Kathmandu district during March-April, 2014. These households are
selected randomly for this study. Farmers cultivating tomato, cucumber, bitter
gourd, potato, cauliflower, cabbage were included in this study.
Semi-structured questionnaire set with combination of open and closed questions
were developed for interview.
data collection: Secondary data was gathered through
printed reports and web searches which were used to describe and verify the
analysis and interpretation:
The collected
information are displaced in tabulated form and these data are expressed in pie
charts and bar diagrams and these findings are analyzed and compared with the
help of available literatures.
4. Findings and discussion:
4.1 Demographic findings:
Commercial vegetable
cultivation was dominated by male farmers (90%), only 10% were female among 10
farmers interviewed. Most of studied populations were janajaties (Newari,
Tamang, Limbu) and very few are bramins. Education level of farmers ranges
widely. 40% have education achievement above SLC, 30% have secondary level
education, 20% have primary level education and 10% farmers don’t take any
academic education. Most of the farmers (70%) took land in lease and only 30%
have their own land. The farming area varies from 3 ropani to 28 ropani.
Majority of growers (60%) have 3-9 ropani, 30% have 10-19 ropani, and only 1
have more than 20 ropani area. Almost all farmers cultivate tomato as major
crop inside plastic tunnel and very low cultivation of cabbage, cauliflower and
cucurbit crops. Farmer’s involvement in
commercial cultivation ranges from 2-35 years and accordingly the years of
pesticide use on vegetable crops.
4.2 Knowledge level of farmers
Farmers have wide
portfolio of knowledge sources to learn about when, which and how much
pesticide to use. The sources includes trainings, radio/television programs,
agrovets, agriculture service centre, friends and own experience. Large segment
(70%) of farmers simultaneously refers the multiple sources. However, the major
source of decision making differ farmers to farmers. Major source of
information for farmers depends upon the social relationship among farmers in
the community, behavior of extension workers and availability of alternative
sources. Friends and neighboring farmers are most common and among them but in
competitive social setting they may equivocate the precious knowledge.
Almost all farmers
consult the agrovets for pesticide selection and application. But more than
three-fourth(80%) of total depends on agrovets as the major source of
information and one-fifth(20%) farmers depends upon friends, neighbor and self
judgement about how much and when to apply the pesticide.
source of farmers
Knowledge sources
Referring farmers
Pesticide retailers
Friends, neighbor, self decision
Agriculture trainings
and communication services has reached up to the farmers with varying coverage.
Training has relatively narrow coverage; only 40% farmers had got training
about agriculture production and use of pesticides. Use of printed communication
materials is still low among farmers. Only 30% farmers read the printed
materials pertaining to, agriculture production and pesticide use. Farmers
mentioned the unavailability of printed materials at local level as the major
limiting factor behind the low number of readers. Interestingly 60% farmers in
the study area read the information leaflet enclosed with pesticide pack which
is higher than the percentage reader 33.3% reported by shrestha et. al.(2010)
in vegetable production pocket in dhading district. The rest 40% donot read the
leaflet due to letters being very small, printed in language other than nepali
and illiteracy of some farmers.
of knowledge sources
There is slight
variation in types of pesticides recommended by various sources. There are
various trade names of pesticides having same chemical composition. Agrovets
tend to recommend new pesticides or the stock they have. Agrovets suggest to
increase the dose of same pesticide or cocktail of two pesticides if the
previous dose didn’t show satisfactory results. They deal differently with the
experienced farmers. Pesticides of high toxicity level are not sold to them.
Agrovets mostly deals with chemical pesticides but DADOs and NGOs often tend to
suggest about botanical and homemade organic pesticides in addition to chemical
pesticide. Some farmers believe that the doses suggested by agrovets are higher
than the recommendation made by DADOs and NGOs. DADOs and NGOs are major source
of information for safety precaution for pesticide use.
Level of knowledge
of pesticides
A large proportion of
farmers 90% were found aware about the expiry of pesticides they apply. More than
two-third(80%) were able to read the expiry date themselves or with the help of
family members, 10% farmers ask with retailers about the expiry date while 10%
farmers are ignorant about the expiry date of pesticides and they thought that
agrovets don’t sold date expired pesticides to the regular costumers.
effect on health
Percentage of farmers
Red eye and skin irritation
4.3 Negative impact of pesticides:
Almost all farmers know
the pesticide have bad impact as well. Most of the (90%) farmers were able to
describe the example of bad impact in human health. about one-third (30%) of
farmers were having detail knowledge about the effect of pesticides in
environment and human health as well. Half (50%) of the farmers have
experienced the bad effects in body during pesticide spraying. These effects
are headache, fever, dizziness and red eye.
Though, the most of the
interviewed farmers know the health hazards of pesticides if sprayed in
fruiting or harvesting stage. They spray chemical pesticides due to absence of
effective alternative control measures. There is no market control, pesticide
residues are not checked in market and there is no price variation of
vegetables having varied level of pesticide use in the market.
4.4 Pesticide interception in to human body:
Farmer’s perceptions
about the pathways of pesticides interception into human body are oral path,
dermal path and inhalation path. Most of the farmers (50%) perceive pesticide
enters in our body through respiration (nose), enters through mouth and nose by
one-third (30%)farmers and through all 3 pathways by one-fifth(20%) farmers.
Percentage of farmers
Mouth+ Nose
Mouth+ Nose+ Skin
4.5 Toxicity level and mode of action
Farmers know little
about the toxicity labels and mode of action of pesticides. Only 10% know the
meaning of 4 toxicity labels on container of pesticides. 40% farmers only know
the meaning of red color label and were indifferent to rest of 3 colors. 10%
know the red and green color label but remaining 40% farmers don’t know
anything about toxicity label of pesticides. It was surprising that only 20%
know something about mode of action of pesticides. Farmers know the trade name
of pesticides but don’t know the chemical names. The new and unfamiliar
pesticides were understood as hard type and familiar pesticides were perceived
as soft types by the farmer’s irrespectiveness of their actual toxicity level.
4.6 Frequency of pesticides spray by farmers
Pesticide spray
12-15 times
15-18 times
6 times
Bitter gourd
4-6 times
Broad bean
4 times
3 times
3 times
4.7 Farmers practices of pesticide use
4.7.1 Pesticide appliances
In study area,
pesticides are applied using very simple manual sprayers. The hand compression
(usually 9-litre capacity) and the knapsack sprayer (16-litre capacity) are
very commonly used.
4.7.2 Pesticide use patterns
Farmers were applying
range of insecticides and fungicides in study area that includes 9 types of
insecticide, 5 types of fungicides and 1 bacteriocide. All interviewed farmers
were applying chemical pesticides and one-thirds (30%) were using Neem based
botanical pesticide (Niconeem) which is found effective for white flies as good
repellent. It was also found that none of them were using microbial pesticides.
The frequency of
pesticide spray ranges up to 18 times in a crop. Pesticide sprayed at highest
frequency in tomato (18 times) followed by cucumber (up to 6 times) and broad
bean up to 4 times. Shrestha and Neupane (2002) reported 2-15 spray in tomato,
bitter gourd and cucumber in kabhre district of nepal. The frequency of
application of pesticides for tomato in study area seems relatively higher in
study area but similar results were found in other crops.
Level of disease and insect
pest infestation, weather condition and market value of product were
influencing the level of pesticide application by farmers. Farmers increase
spray with increase in pest infestation (shrestha et. al., 2010). Farmers were
found to spray insecticides in low concentration if insect population is low in
plot. They increase the concentration in spray solution with increase in pest
population. Such practices may lead to pesticide resistance in insects and
requires higher dose in future to get desired level of control. It was also
found that the frequency of application increase with increase in insect, pest
and disease infestation, farmers spray in higher frequency in crop of high
market value, high disease and insect pest infesting crops, for instances
tomato, cucumber and bitter gourd. Calendared application was observed in
tomato by most of the growers.
4.7.3 Number of farmers using various pesticides
Name of pesticides
Number of farmers
Cupper oxychloride
Dimethoate plus
Emamectin benzoate
Diethane M-45
Nearly two third (60%)
of farmers of the study area mixes different insecticides or fungicides but
they don’t mix insecticides and fungicides together. Agrovets also recommend the
cocktail of fungicides or insecticides in severe case of insect, pest and
disease infestation. The cocktail of pesticides includes Magic+Image for
whitefly; Plantomycin+Tagmil, Kingmill+Protector, cupper Oxychloride+Plantomycin
for blight; Niconeem+Manik for leaf minor, surprisingly one grower also mixes
Rogar and Carbine to control tomato fruit borer.
Among the insecticides
Rogar was most widely used with highest spray frequency. 80% farmers were
spraying rogar at frequency of 6-8 times. Carbine was the second largest used
insecticides used by 60% farmers and sprayed 4-5 times. Farmers prefer to spray
Rogar at early stage to control white flies and carbine at fruiting stage to
control fruit borer. Other insecticides used are Manik, Bishmark, and NicoNeem
sprayed 2-3 times occasionally. Chemical pesticides are sprayed from seedling
stage to fruiting or harvesting stage. All farmers were applying chemical
pesticides for full crop period.
Carbendazim+ Mancozeb (Safal,
Safaya) is most widely used by 80% farmers in initial phase at least for 1
month as a preventive pesticide to blight. 2-4 spray was done. Cupper oxychloride
is another widely used by 70% farmers and most frequently used up to 10 times
in offseason tomato. Mancozeb is also used by 60% farmers sprayed at a
frequency of 3-4 times.
4.7.4 Number of pesticides used by farmers
No of insecticides
No. of Users
Farmers were found to
prefer 3 kinds of insecticides and fungicides. 40% of interviewed farmers were
using 3 kinds of insecticides and fungicides.
4.8 Pesticide cost analysis
Average cost and return per
Ropani area
Total cost of
Pesticide cost
Net income
Out of total 89 Ropani
area cultivated by interviewed 10 farmers, the average cost of productions of
vegetables was found Rs. 51558.42 per Ropani. Pesticides cost solely contribute
Rs. 7210.11 per Ropani, which is 13.98% of total cost of production.
4.9 Safety precautions
4.9.1 Pesticide storage
farmers buy pesticides before they use while others buy them when needed. In
the first case, farmers have to store the pesticides at their residences for
some time. Safety is the most important necessity in course of pesticide
application. All farmers were found aware about the need of keeping pesticides
beyond the reach of children. Nearly two-third (60%) of farmers were putting
the pesticides inside the corner places of tunnel or hanging inside the tunnel.
One-thirds (30%) farmers store pesticides at corner place inside house and
interestingly one grower have separate shed to store pesticides.
Fig: unsafe
storage of pesticides.
4.9.2 Protection clothing and cleaning
Fig: unsafe handling of pesticides.
All farmers are found
aware about the protection during spraying. Almost all farmers wear at least
one protective thing during spraying. More than two-third(70%) of farmers wear
mask and full sleeve clothes, 20% wear mask only and only one farmer wear all
protective clothes along with goggle. Out of 10 farmers 5 farmers don’t wear
globes in hand during pesticide formulation and handling, 3 farmers don’t wear
protective shoe during pesticide spray. Shrestha reported that one
sixth(16.6%) of vegetable growers wear globes for mixing the pesticides with
Farmers were found
aware of cleaning the body parts after pesticide spray and they don’t eat
anything during preparation and spraying. All farmers wash their hands, feet
and face with soap after each spray, farmers also clean the pesticide
containers with water after use, and such practices are helpful to minimize the
pesticide hazards to some extent.
Protective clothing
Percentage of farmers
Mask only
Mask+ full sleeves
Mask+ full sleeves + goggle
4.9.3 Handling of empty containers
containers are not managed properly. Half (50%) of the farmers dispose empty
containers by burning near the farm, One-third (30%) throw these containers on
the rivers, one fifth (20%) farmers sold to the junk collectors. Most of the
farmers collect empty containers on the side of farm for some period so the
children are likely to be exposed to pesticide risk if they play with empty
containers. Interestingly, none of them were using the pesticide containers to
store food and other things.
4.10 Waiting period
Waiting period
can be defined as the period between the last application of pesticide on a
crop and the date of its harvest. Waiting period was found to base on types of
pesticides used, types of crops and weather condition. Waiting period ranges
from 1 to 7 days in study area. Farmers perceive mancozeb, carbendazim and
niconeem as soft type of pesticides; they wait 1-3 days after its application.
Other pesticides such as Rogar, Carbine, Deltamethrin were understood as hard
types and they wait 3-7 days. Waiting period is usually short in crops
requiring frequent harvesting such as tomato, cucumber and cowpea, where the
product becomes uneconomical to sell if not harvested in 2-3 day interval.
Farmers harvest such crops in interval of 2-3 days even if hard pesticides have
been applied.
Variation in waiting period
than 3 day
than 5 days
of farmers
harvest all matured crops just before spraying. Adverse weather conditions such
as rainfall, high temperature and market price determines the waiting period of
pesticides. Most of the farmers were aware about waiting period. Some farmers
also thought that after harvesting it takes two more days to reach consumers
table so the risk of pesticide is minimized and some thought that fungicides
are mostly sprayed on leaves so the fruits are not much poisoned.
4.11 Lists of pesticides most commonly used by farmers
of application
or thiophanate methyl 70%wp)
Kingmil MZ(Metalaxyl+Mancozeb)
M-45(mancozeb 75%)
cauliflower, cabbage, bitter gourd
25% WP)
Cobra(Emamectin benzoate 5%)
plus 30%EC)
broad bean, cucumber
hunter(cyromazine 10% sc)
and cucurbits
Dv. (Polyformphos)
Change in pesticides
practice of alternately using the different insecticides or fungicides was not
common among the farmers. Even though the majority of farmers were using more
than one insecticides and fungicides, they select the second kind of
insecticides or fungicides if one couldn’t give good results or depending upon
the maturity stage of crops. For instances Dimethoate and carbendazim+Mancozeb
are preferably applied at seedling stage; carbine and cymoxlin+mancozeb applied
at fruiting or maturing stage.
Alternate to chemical pesticides
methods of pest management other than chemical pesticides are not common among
the commercial vegetables in study area. Chemical pesticides were dominantly
being used. None of the interviewed farmers were using microbial pesticides.
Use of biopesticides at national level also seems very low, biopesticides were
imported in nepal in very low quantity, only 120 kg in 2011/12(PRMD, 2013). Few
farmers were found to use Niconeem in addition to chemical pesticides. Farmers
still thought that only the chemical pesticides can save their crop from pests,
they have very less faith on biopesticides and botanicals. Farmers prefer to
buy the pesticides in ready to use form. Pesticides are readily available in
agrovets. Almost all farmers buy pesticides from different agrovets of
Quantitative trend of pesticide
trend of pesticide use is increasing in Nepal by about 10-20% per year.
Expenses on pesticides in market oriented vegetables and fruit production has
been a major cost factor (Diwakar et. al., 2008). Majority of interviewed
farmers (60%) were using the pesticide at increasing level in 3 year and 40% farmers
were applying pesticides in unchanged level in last 3 years.
Pesticide use trend
of pesticide use
of farmers
degree of pesticide resistance by some pest is increasing. Nowadays white flies
and leaf minors are not effectively controlled by Bishmark and Rogar. So,
farmers either go for higher dose of same pesticides or cocktaili of two
pesticides. So, the use of pesticides in vegetables is increasing.
4.12 Misuse of pesticides
misuse is being a serious concern in the commercial pockets areas of
agricultural production (Sharma et. al., 2012). Hazards caused by pesticides
application in Nepal are not only due to overuse of pesticides, but also more
due to misuse of pesticides (Diwakar et. al., 2008). In study area farmers
apply pesticides in predetermined time interval irrespective of disease and
insect pest infestation. In case of adverse weather conditions farmers increase
the frequency of pesticide application. Unregistered and illegal products, open
air sales, sales of banned products, cases of decanting and reweighing, sales
of expired products with modified expiry dates are among the misuse cases that
have been reported in Nepal (Sharma et. al., 2012). This study revealed that
almost all farmers indiscriminately use the pesticides for insects with varying
feeding behavior; this is another way of misuse. Farmers also don’t properly
handle the remaining pesticide solutions they either overspray the remaining
solution or took it for next spray. Some farmers poured the remained solution
near the tomato plants.
volume of formulations sprayed depends upon the size of plants and intensity of
pest infestation. Farmers spray thinly in small plants and in case of low
insect population.
of spray solutions
5. Conclusion
This study concludes that the level of awareness in
farmers of Kirtipur area is still low about safe use and handling of
pesticides. It was also found that in advance case of disease and insect pest
infestation cocktail of various pesticides were used by farmers. Farmers know little about toxicity
labels and mode of action of pesticides.
Almost all farmers harvest crop just before spraying but weather condition
greatly influence the waiting period. Alternative method of disease and pest
control is not practiced in study area. Most of the farmers are not trained for
safe handling of pesticides so environment pollution is increasing day by day
and risk of pesticide poisoning is also high. There is requirement of Selection
and distribution of appropriate pesticides and their handling and use as per
the label for safe use of chemical pesticides. Strong science-based and
research-supported intensive IPM programs are needed in this area. There is
urgent need of the awareness among the farmers and the community regarding the
pesticides issues.
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Fig: interviewing with
vegetable grower.
Fig: unsafe storage of pesticides.
status of pesticide use by commercial vegetable growers of kirtipur area.
Interview schedule
1. Respondent number: [ ]
2. Date of interview:
3. Respondent’s information:
Name of respondent:
Address: ……………………………………………………
Gender: [ ]
male [ ] female
Age: [ ] years
Ethnicity/caste: ………………………..
Education level ………………………………..
Place of birth: …………………….
Marital status: [
] married, [ ] single
Family type: [
] nuclear [ ] joint [ ] extended
Number of family members: Total [
] Male [ ]
Female[ ]
Number of family member involved in vegetable
cultivation. [ ]
Phone no: ……………………….
Area of farm: Total area [ ] ropani cultivated area [ ] ropani
starting of farming:
[ ] years ago
Are you satisfied with this vegetable farming? [ ] Yes
[ ] No
General information of farm
Name of vegetables
Cultivated Area
Total cost of production
Pesticide cost
Total weight of pesticide
Total returns
5. Pesticides information:
Name of pesticides
Vegetable crops
Disease/ insect
Conc./interval of spray
Danger level
Mode of action
Spray volume
Waiting period
Taken from
Have you taken training about safe use of pesticide? If yes, from where/whom?
7. Do you have
knowledge about expiry date of pesticides? Do you see expiry date on container?
Do you know about bad impact of pesticide in our body?
Do you face any impact of pesticide in your body?
Do you know the pathways of pesticide enter in our body?
Do you know about toxicity label? What does that mean?
Do you have knowledge about mode of action of pesticides?
What are the safety precautions you followed before, during and after spraying?
How and where you store these pesticides?
What you do about remaining pesticides?
How you dispose empty containers of pesticides?
What is your waiting period after spraying?
Which factor determines your waiting period?
Which is the most frequently used pesticide?
Do you have knowledge about the development of pesticide resistance in insects?
Do you use bio pesticides? Which and for what?
What is your knowledge source for use of pesticide? (When to use?, which
pesticide and how much?)
Do you read printed materials (Newspapers, bulletins etc.) about pesticides?
Do you read leaflet enclosed with pesticides?
in your view which is the highest pesticide requiring crop?
What are the problems you faced about availability of pesticide?
Do you use any alternative pesticide for same problem?
Have you practiced the mixing of pesticides? If yes, for what?
What are your sources of information for pesticide use?
What is your major source of knowledge about the use of pesticide?
31. What is your recommendation to government
about pesticide?